Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prayer Request

From Shayne Parks: Hey everyone . I need your prayers for me daughter Katy Parks. She is having surgery in the morning for a 3" mass in her side. Don't know what it is or where it's coming from. Trusting in God first and ya'll second for the prayers. God Bless

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ride Hard Circuit Rider

This song and video was done for another ministry, but it is so awesome I wanted to share it with everybody. I have asked for permision to use it.
Riding For Jesus
Rev Red Beard Ray Moore
Texas Vice President
Circuit Riders MM

Sunday, February 21, 2010

prayer request

Lady V's (Vickie) sister called and requested prayer for her close friend Elaine Kemp. She is at 28 weeks  pregnant with twin boys. She has been in the hospital for 2 weeks and has to stay on bed rest because they or trying to prevent her from having them before 35 weeks. Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prayer Request

Prayer Request for 18 mo. old Emma Rose Hammiker. Drunk driver left road ran 200' up embankment and ran into mobile home and hit her bedroom. In baby bed was thrown across room and incurred brain damage...on critical list at St. Francis Hospital in Monroe, La

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fw: A friend in need of prayer.


Hey Bro I have a very important prayer request. I have some very close friends that just found out tonight that their 17 year old son has been doing Heroine for atleast 6 months. They are assistant youth pastors and are very broken. They need prayer for their hearts and peace. They also are going to search for some kind of help for him. Please keep this family in your prayers. The devil is attacking this family because of the calling on all of their lives. Thank you.
In Christ,
Loco Larry Ballou.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Lone Star Camp Out

Attached is the flier for the camp out. Feel free to distribute it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gabi's tiny foot prints

This is Gabi's tiny foot prints on her birth certificate.

Prayer request update.

Gabrielle didn't make it through the night. Please pray for Whitney, Joseph and the whole family. Whitney has been wanting a baby so bad, and has been trying for one for some time. Whitney is still in the hospital in Tyler and granny Kim flew with Gabi to Children's in Dallas last night.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Whitney just gave birth to a 1 lb 3 oz girl, Gabrielle. Dr say everything is as good as it can be at this time. Please continue praying for her. This is Drew and Kim's first grandbaby and Steve and Linda's first great grandbaby.

This is beautifully done !








Prayer Request Whitney

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 10:30 AM
Subject: Whitney

Just want to let everyone know what was happening. Whitney, our granddaughter, went into labor yesterday at 23 weeks. The plan was to transport to St Pauls in Dallas, but weather conditions prohibited flight and ambulance was not an option. They have at this point slowed the labor but she is still having contractions. The doctors are trying to hold her until this afternoon when they can again give the baby a shot of steriod to help develope her lungs. This is where we are as of this morning. Please pray for Whitney and little Gabriel.

Prayer Request

Prayer request for Gary and Cindy Hogman by way of Faith Presbyterian Church.
> Gary is serving in Iraq while his young wife is fighting cancer here. 
> See his Request below.
> Bobby S. Briggs, MSgt, USAF
> Flight Sergeant
> My name is Gary Hogman. Some of you receiving this know me, some do not.
> My wife, Cindy, is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed with stage 4 Cervical cancer. Her chances for survival are very slim.
> She was pregnant with our second child and had miscarried recently at 3 Months; and now we know why.
> This is a request for you to forward this e-mail to everyone you know asking for prayer. The more people that pray for her to be healed, the better.
> Pray and forward.. It only takes a second to hit 'forward.' Please do it and don't delete this.
> Your prayer can, and perhaps will, save her life.
> Please pray and ask everyone you know to pray for the HEALING of CINDY HOGMAN
> And the removal of all cancer from her body, so she may enjoy all that life has to offer, and to continue to be the wonderful mother to our 5-year-old son Michael.
> The power of Prayer is unsurpassed. I want the whole world to have her in their prayers
> The next few weeks. God will hear our cry. Please do not be offended by  my plea. This is only a request for your help.
> Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and helping with our request for healing! No words can express the power we have when we each do a little to come together.
> Regards, Cindy's husband -
> Gary
> Thank you, and please send it to the far reaches of our world!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Intl Coordinator

From : Jimmy Piercy

Just to remind you guys we have a new office with CRMM. An International Evangelist Office which Calvin 'Pops' Tucker now holds.
We need to as pastors of churches to call Calvin Tucker the evangelist for CRMM and let him come to your church. You will recieve blessing from this. Jimmy says Calvin is going nuts not having a whole lot to do. Call him and get him to your church.

Habakkuk 2:2, Proverbs 29:18 read these for the future of Circuit Riders.

Jimmy Piercy
International Coordinator
Chapter President Chariots of Fire

Drafted By:
Quincy "Ninja" Dalton
Road Captain Chariots of Fire
Jimmys Personal Secretary

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fw: Pep Rally Feb 27


Good Morning,
Please let everyone know that Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness will e doing a prison crusade in the Ware Unit and the Wallace unit in Colorado City, Texas, April 9-11, 2010.  We are allowed to ride in the prisons on saturday the 10th.  We can take as many as 50 scooters.  We also need preachers, testimonies, and musicians.  We will eat every meal with the inmates and visit every cell.  Women may come and participate in the program and ride motorcycles, but they will not be allowed to visit the cells.
There will be more info to follow but I wanted to get this info on the folks' calendars
Anyone interested can callme at 972-234-6009, email me at, or go to our web site at
God bless.
Johnny Moffitt, D. Min.
Director, Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness
PO Box 740273
Dallas, TX 75374
972-234-6050 FAX

--- On Wed, 2/10/10, Rev. RedBeard Ray Moore <> wrote:

From: Rev. RedBeard Ray Moore <>
Subject: Pep Rally Feb 27
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 5:01 PM

SAVE THE DATE!! Feb.27th @ 11am. There will be a meeting @ Papa Joe's church in Thornton. All CRMM chapters are encouraged to attend. Pop Tucker will be speaking to us- rallying the troops for the battle in the year ahead. Hope to see everyone there! Would like people from every chapter their lots of good information to spread. After a cold wet winter come get recharged and ready for the upcoming riding and rally season. This is a great opportunity to see and fellowship with everybody and share your activities you have planned for the upcoming year.

Prison Crusade Colorado City TX

Good Morning,
Please let everyone know that Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness will e doing a prison crusade in the Ware Unit and the Wallace unit in Colorado City, Texas, April 9-11, 2010.  We are allowed to ride in the prisons on saturday the 10th.  We can take as many as 50 scooters.  We also need preachers, testimonies, and musicians.  We will eat every meal with the inmates and visit every cell.  Women may come and participate in the program and ride motorcycles, but they will not be allowed to visit the cells.
There will be more info to follow but I wanted to get this info on the folks' calendars
Anyone interested can callme at 972-234-6009, email me at, or go to our web site at
God bless.
Johnny Moffitt, D. Min.
Director, Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness
PO Box 740273
Dallas, TX 75374
972-234-6050 FAX

--- On Wed, 2/10/10, Rev. RedBeard Ray Moore <> wrote:

From: Rev. RedBeard Ray Moore <>
Subject: Pep Rally Feb 27
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 5:01 PM

SAVE THE DATE!! Feb.27th @ 11am. There will be a meeting @ Papa Joe's church in Thornton. All CRMM chapters are encouraged to attend. Pop Tucker will be speaking to us- rallying the troops for the battle in the year ahead. Hope to see everyone there! Would like people from every chapter their lots of good information to spread. After a cold wet winter come get recharged and ready for the upcoming riding and rally season. This is a great opportunity to see and fellowship with everybody and share your activities you have planned for the upcoming year.

Prayer Request

Please pray for Brother Doc and Sister Pats grandson Noah Michael. He is in the hospital. He is a special needs child. He was bleeding they gave him some blood and are saying he has a blood clot and ulcers. He is scheduled for surgery Friday. I am asking for prayers we know God is in control. Thank you. Also we have another Cossack member suffering from kidney failure, please pray for him too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

prayer request

Cossack Chad of the Tyler chapter lost his mother, due to an illness. Please remember him and his family in your prayers

Sunday, February 7, 2010

prayer request

Cossack Nomad Devil Dog is in the hospital with kidney problems. Please keep him in your prayers.  Thank you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

FW: For Sale....

I'm thinking about selling my blue and yellow 83 Wing.  Posting to see if anyone is interested.  Asking $3k or best offer.  Has AM/FM/CB, hitch, good tires, new custom seat, new inspection and tags, and so has 74k miles on it and runs great.  Only posting on CRMM site, would prefer to sell to a Circuit Rider.  Please email me if you have any interest or questions.  Thanks.

 CRMM Chapter President
Shane Carlile

Steel Horse Disciples
Ellis County
Circuit Riders Motorcycle Ministry

"Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king."
1 Peter 2:17

Friday, February 5, 2010

Prayer Request

From Vickie Moore - My sisters grandma has had a stroke on top of having surgery this week. She is in ICU and is in need of lots of prayer. Her name is Fern. Please keep her in your prayers. I will know more tomorrow. Thank you!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

FW: Please pray for Tricia Thompson and family

From: Betty Moffitt <>
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 12:39 PM
Subject: Please pray for Tricia Thompson and family

Steve Thompson called from Medical City.  Tricia's brother, Jerry had a stroke this morning.  He is still in ER.  His brain is bleeding.  His carotid arteries are stopped up and his BP is 260/?  Steve and family are at the hospital as well as Jerrys' wife and daughter.  Please pray!!!!
Betty Moffitt
Find us on FaceBook
Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness
PO Box 740273
Dallas, TX 75374-0273
972-234-6050 FAX
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. Prov. 3:6

Easter Service

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fw: Funeral Arrangements

Please pass on or condolence and respect from CRMM, Fort Worth Chapter.  Everyone works except for the Pres and Secretary, both of us are sick and have Dr. appointment on that day.  Drifter, Brother Rick "Brick" Hetherington, just got a pacemaker, not tuned  it all the way yet, he's grounded.  Would love to be able to support, sorry WB
Please hold Drifter, Brother Rick "Brick" Hertherington in prayer.... his ticker is still working, thanks be to God, the VA just put in a pacemaker..... 
William "Wild Bill" Henneberger 
President Circuit Riders Motorcycle Ministry
Fort Worth, Texas Chapter

From: Rev. RedBeard Ray Moore <>
Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 1:35:50 PM
Subject: Funeral Arrangements

Just heard, Los Malos Indian Wayne's funeral will be Wed 02/03/2010 at 2pm at Claybar Funeral Home 800 Highland DR Bridge City TX. CRMM members are encouraged to be there.
Riding For Jesus,
Raymond "Rev Red Beard" Moore
CRMM Texas Vice President

Funeral Arrangements

Just heard, Los Malos Indian Wayne's funeral will be Wed 02/03/2010 at 2pm at Claybar Funeral Home 800 Highland DR Bridge City TX. CRMM members are encouraged to be there.