Raymond "Rev Red Beard" Moore
CRMM Texas Vice President
Lady V & I will stay in Austin Friday night the 9th to be there for Sputnicks service on the 10Th @ 10 AM. We will be staying at Days Inn Austin Crossroads
820 East Anderson Lane
Austin, TX 7852
512-835-4311 if you would like to stay there as well or meet there Sat morning before riding to the service.We are planning on staying Saturday night as well and do some riding in the hill country over the weekend.
JUNE 24, 2010The Texas Motorcycle Rights Association is sad to announce that our great Leader, Sputnik, passed away suddenly at approximately 5:00 AM this morning. I woke up at 5:45AM to find him on the living floor at the state office. It appeared that he crossed over quickly and did not suffer, from a massive heart attack. via Terri Williams
There will be a memorial service July 10 in the Alvin, Santa FE TX area. Exact times and location haven't been set, but it will be July 10 near ALVIN TX. Start making plans now, so that you may attend. Pops and I expect to see every TX Circuit Rider in attendance.
William "Wild Bill" HennebergerPresident Circuit Riders Motorcycle MinistryFort Worth Chapter, Texas
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: United Clubs DFW <unitedclubsdfw@gmail.com>
Sent: Tue, June 15, 2010 11:03:43 PM
Subject: UCDFW Prayer Request and Upcoming Events
Hello all,Today we are starting on a more somber note:Born Again Christian Ministries Rick has had three strokes starting just before Memorial Day. He is listed as being "high risk" and according to our information the earliest he could look at getting back on his bike would be sometime in September. Please remember Rick and his family in your thoughts and prayer. If you would like to send wishes or have questions please email them to glennabatchelor@charter.netUpcoming events for this weekend:Saturday, June 19, 2010Denton County Bandidos MC1 year anniversary party10314 FM 455West Sanger, TX 76266$10 per person / $15 per coupleNo kidsFood, Drink Live MusicSunday, June 20, 2010United Clubs DFWHosted by Junkyard Dawgs MC200 S Rockwall StTerrell., TXAlso, if you haven't had a chance to investigate more of the website:There are a few pages you should check out:Classifieds has a windshield for a VRod and a 79 Sportster for sale and someone looking for a vehicle.Don't forget to also check out:Biker Friendly BusinessesLooking to Hire and Looking for Work
Yesterday was a perfect day for a ride . . . and ride they did! About a hundred or so Bikers rode their bikes from everywhere to say a temporary 'goodbye' to Richard 'Curly' Stowell, a faithful husband, good... Read more »
Dallas Motorcycle Lifestyle Examiner, Sharon Smith
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Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness | PO Box 740273 | Dallas | TX | 75374 |
Last night, a guy at our church that is in a local motorcycle ministry, Richard Stowell was in a motorcycle accident. He doesn't have any broken bones, however he has a lot of road rash and a head injury. The first CT showed a small bleed on his brain, however the second CT not long ago showed multiple bleeds on his brain. He has been sedated and on a ventalator. They have taken him off the sedation meds in hopes that he will grab for the tubes, but he has not yet.
Tiffani Shelby - Calvin Morris' daughter
Bill Beck - of Harvest Time Riders MM has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C and it is eating up his liver. The doctors have told him he only has 4 to 6 months. But, we all know who the real physician is and we know that if we pray hard for a healing that God is in control and the doctors don't know what they are talking about.
PRAISE REPORT: We do have a praise report to share too. Redbeards niece Hailey is now Cancer FREE!! Praise God!!!!!! We know that prayer works. Thank you Jesus