Riding For Jesus
Ray Rev RedBeard Moore
VP Circuit Riders MM
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless
From: Tammy Schaefer <selah4u@hotmail.com>
To: Betty <bettymoffitt@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Sun, Dec 18, 2011 23:26:35 GMT+00:00
Subject: Urgent Prayer RequestHello All !
I have a friend that is 43 years of age her name is Heather, she is now laying in ICU with 2 brain aneurisms. One minute she was fine the next laying in the hospital. She is an awesome woman of God & I know the word tells us in Psalms 91:16...with LONG life will He satisfy us & show us His salvation. Heather is young & her life has just really started I'm asking if you will join me as I began to pray & seek God on her behalf for her healing yes " she will live & not die & declare the works of the Lord & I do know " Psalms 34:15 the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, & his ears are open to their cry! Pray for her & her family this is a season of celebration I'm praying that God will raise her up & allow her to have one of the greatest gifts of all LIFE! Then too let's not forget to pray for ourselves! As we go into a New Year lets remember it's not about the total in your bank account, the kind of car you drive, how many people you have hanging around you or the title you hold, it's all about the cross! We war not against flesh & blood but against all kinds of powers & spiritual wickedness in high places so don't let it find you with your heart hard & hateful against your neighbor His commandment is that we love one another as he has loved us. We love you & pray God will bless & keep you in his perfect will!
Be blessed, Love you!
Al & Tammy
I personally want to thank all of our supporters for 2011. We greatly appreciate you believing in this ministry and our leaders enough to give from your hearts. We stretch every penny as far as we can to do the work God has called us to.Sadly, it's often not enough. Still a great number of Circuit Riders do not hold this ministry to such a level in their heart that they will support it financially. I pray that this year the Lord will either change their heart or replace them with new Circuit Riders that love this ministry, the work,the love and the leadership enough to offer their support. I've seen Pops continue to operate without funding for way to long. I'm aware of times he has sold or pawned his personal belongings in order to have the funds to make the next event. Pops loves all of you and would be there in a moments notice for any of you that called him, please in 2012 show your love for him by supporting the operation fund.This isn't meant to guilt anyone into giving more, I really thank all of you that committed to support us in 2011 and followed through on that comittment. I pray you will continue to do so in 2012. Without the giving of the loyal few, I don't know how we could have made it through 2011.Riding For Jesus
Rev Red Beard Ray Moore
Vice President
Circuit Riders MM
From: Jarmon and Vicki Harris <freedomridersnetx@hotmail.com>
Cc: Mike Davis <madavis@verizon.net>, Jeanetta Stephens <jeanettastephens@yahoo.com>, Grady McElyea <shodyg@toast.net>, Bob Stephens <bstep60@verizon.net>, Russell & Maria Lester <marialester96@gmail.com>, Patrick Gallagher <jcgallagher47@yahoo.com>, Matt Miller <matt_miller@scufcw.org>, Ann Gallagher <ladysdreamdragon@hotmail.com>, Robert Holley <diveholley@yahoo.com>, Shelia Banta <sbanta@ehhi.com>, "Rev. Red Beard" <redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org>, Matt and Sandra Miller <mnsmiller@hotmail.com>, Darrell Thompson <darrellwthom@aim.com>, Carla <carleemcb79@yahoo.com>, Tommie Fugate <tmtfugate@yahoo.com>, Charles Wright <wright1967@msn.com>, Mike Bailey <mbailey@geusnet.com>, Kevin Wallace <wallacek@rains.k12.tx.us>, Aaron & Heather Lohmann <lohmann@peoplescom.net>, Pam Parish <motorcyclemamapp@hotmail.com>, Tony Murray <stilljamminforthelamb@yahoo.com>, Debbie Jones <jonescnd@wildblue.net>, Stump <randymcknight@ymail.com>, Janis Ishmael <janish@dishmail.net>, Floyd & Mary Nunn <flyingnun001@msn.com>, Monty Jones <mljdfw@yahoo.com>, Glenda & Tony Murray <harleyriders1996@yahoo.com>, Rhonda Redding <reddingrhonda@yahoo.com>, "J.D. Brundridge" <vzs426@aol.com>, Bill Hamilton <billhamilton@circuitriderscfm.org>, Danny & Dee Dee Norman <chicosmamma75@hotmail.com>, Steve Harford <sgharford@gmail.com>, Calvin Tucker <bikerpastorpop@yahoo.com>, Robert Self <mapaself@hotmail.com>, Chief <pam_parmer@yahoo.com>, Ronny Davis <ronnydavis1@gmail.com>, Carl & Darla Wilson <cddwilson@aol.com>, John Parish <motorcyclemanjp@hotmail.com>, Kenneth Ishmael <kenish@dishmail.net>, Kevin & Kat Wallace <catwallace04@yahoo.com>, FRANCES J SONGER <song111@verizon.net>, Steve and Tracey Allen <godsgrl6508@yahoo.com>, Larry Barrett <ltbarrett@joimail.com>, Steve & Shelia Banta <sbanta1159@verizon.net>, Steven Allen <kysteven@verizon.net>, Big John <hogrider001@netzero.net>, Janie Davis <mary.j.davis@l-3com.com>, Freda Davis <fdavis@oceanspray.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2011 00:11:00 GMT+00:00
Subject: RE: URGENT PRAYER REQUESTPS... just got word that there is no brain waves..... But it is not to late,,,,,God is still able..
Vicki Harris ~ Secretary
Freedom Riders NETx
Motorcycle Ministry
"""Ridin for JESUS"""
From: freedomridersnetx@hotmail.com
CC: madavis@verizon.net; jeanettastephens@yahoo.com; shodyg@toast.net; bstep60@verizon.net; marialester96@gmail.com; jcgallagher47@yahoo.com; matt_miller@scufcw.org; ladysdreamdragon@hotmail.com; diveholley@yahoo.com; sbanta@ehhi.com; redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org; mnsmiller@hotmail.com; darrellwthom@aim.com; carleemcb79@yahoo.com; tmtfugate@yahoo.com; wright1967@msn.com; mbailey@geusnet.com; wallacek@rains.k12.tx.us; lohmann@peoplescom.net; motorcyclemamapp@hotmail.com; stilljamminforthelamb@yahoo.com; jonescnd@wildblue.net; randymcknight@ymail.com; janish@dishmail.net; flyingnun001@msn.com; mljdfw@yahoo.com; harleyriders1996@yahoo.com; reddingrhonda@yahoo.com; vzs426@aol.com; billhamilton@circuitriderscfm.org; chicosmamma75@hotmail.com; sgharford@gmail.com; bikerpastorpop@yahoo.com; mapaself@hotmail.com; pam_parmer@yahoo.com; ronnydavis1@gmail.com; cddwilson@aol.com; motorcyclemanjp@hotmail.com; kenish@dishmail.net; catwallace04@yahoo.com; song111@verizon.net; godsgrl6508@yahoo.com; ltbarrett@joimail.com; sbanta1159@verizon.net; kysteven@verizon.net; hogrider001@netzero.net; mary.j.davis@l-3com.com; fdavis@oceanspray.com
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 17:54:22 -0600
Hello to all our Bro. & Sis. in the Lord,
Most of you might remember the Prayer Request that went out about a month ago for our D.O.D. sister's brother Anthony Hancock. He was in a motorcycle accident about 4 wks ago & has been in ICU on a ventilator. He has also been in a medically induced coma. They have let him come out of it slightly on several occasions & he has been responding to some of the family members when they are around his bed. They had planned to remove the ventilator today & place a traic in to see if that would stop some of his panic attacks. BUT....... they had noticed that he had not be moving much the last 3 days & after some evaluation from one of the Neurologist, they believe that his brain is starting to swell & that it is cutting of oxygen to the brain which explains why he hasn't been active for the last 3 days. He has been taken for an MRI to see exactly what was going on & the Doctors are saying that the outlook does not look good for him. They are waiting for another Neurologist to come in & give his report. PLEASE PLEASE start praying for God's healing for Anthony. We know that God can touch this situation, as He has touch so many needs before.... Thank you all for your faithfulness in Prayer.
Love you all
Slick & his Chick Vick
Vicki Harris ~ Secretary
Freedom Riders NETx
Motorcycle Ministry
"""Ridin for JESUS"""
From: Jarmon and Vicki Harris <freedomridersnetx@hotmail.com>
Cc: madavis@verizon.net, jeanettastephens@yahoo.com, shodyg@toast.net, bstep60@verizon.net, marialester96@gmail.com, jcgallagher47@yahoo.com, matt_miller@scufcw.org, ladysdreamdragon@hotmail.com, diveholley@yahoo.com, sbanta@ehhi.com, redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org, mnsmiller@hotmail.com, darrellwthom@aim.com, carleemcb79@yahoo.com, tmtfugate@yahoo.com, wright1967@msn.com, mbailey@geusnet.com, wallacek@rains.k12.tx.us, lohmann@peoplescom.net, motorcyclemamapp@hotmail.com, stilljamminforthelamb@yahoo.com, jonescnd@wildblue.net, randymcknight@ymail.com, janish@dishmail.net, flyingnun001@msn.com, mljdfw@yahoo.com, harleyriders1996@yahoo.com, reddingrhonda@yahoo.com, vzs426@aol.com, billhamilton@circuitriderscfm.org, chicosmamma75@hotmail.com, sgharford@gmail.com, bikerpastorpop@yahoo.com, mapaself@hotmail.com, pam_parmer@yahoo.com, ronnydavis1@gmail.com, cddwilson@aol.com, motorcyclemanjp@hotmail.com, kenish@dishmail.net, catwallace04@yahoo.com, song111@verizon.net, godsgrl6508@yahoo.com, ltbarrett@joimail.com, sbanta1159@verizon.net, kysteven@verizon.net, hogrider001@netzero.net, mary.j.davis@l-3com.com, fdavis@oceanspray.com
Sent: Mon, Nov 28, 2011 23:54:22 GMT+00:00
Subject: URGENT PRAYER REQUESTHello to all our Bro. & Sis. in the Lord,
Most of you might remember the Prayer Request that went out about a month ago for our D.O.D. sister's brother Anthony Hancock. He was in a motorcycle accident about 4 wks ago & has been in ICU on a ventilator. He has also been in a medically induced coma. They have let him come out of it slightly on several occasions & he has been responding to some of the family members when they are around his bed. They had planned to remove the ventilator today & place a traic in to see if that would stop some of his panic attacks. BUT....... they had noticed that he had not be moving much the last 3 days & after some evaluation from one of the Neurologist, they believe that his brain is starting to swell & that it is cutting of oxygen to the brain which explains why he hasn't been active for the last 3 days. He has been taken for an MRI to see exactly what was going on & the Doctors are saying that the outlook does not look good for him. They are waiting for another Neurologist to come in & give his report. PLEASE PLEASE start praying for God's healing for Anthony. We know that God can touch this situation, as He has touch so many needs before.... Thank you all for your faithfulness in Prayer.
Love you all
Slick & his Chick Vick
Vicki Harris ~ Secretary
Freedom Riders NETx
Motorcycle Ministry
"""Ridin for JESUS"""
From: Jarmon and Vicki Harris <freedomridersnetx@hotmail.com>
To: madavis@verizon.net, jeanettastephens@yahoo.com, shodyg@toast.net, bstep60@verizon.net, marialester96@gmail.com, jcgallagher47@yahoo.com, matt_miller@scufcw.org, ladysdreamdragon@hotmail.com, diveholley@yahoo.com, sbanta@ehhi.com, redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org, mnsmiller@hotmail.com, darrellwthom@aim.com, carleemcb79@yahoo.com, tmtfugate@yahoo.com, wright1967@msn.com, mbailey@geusnet.com, wallacek@rains.k12.tx.us, lohmann@peoplescom.net, motorcyclemamapp@hotmail.com, stilljamminforthelamb@yahoo.com, jonescnd@wildblue.net, randymcknight@ymail.com, janish@dishmail.net, flyingnun001@msn.com, mljdfw@yahoo.com, harleyriders1996@yahoo.com, reddingrhonda@yahoo.com, vzs426@aol.com, billhamilton@circuitriderscfm.org, chicosmamma75@hotmail.com, sgharford@gmail.com, bikerpastorpop@yahoo.com, mapaself@hotmail.com, pam_parmer@yahoo.com, ronnydavis1@gmail.com, cddwilson@aol.com, motorcyclemanjp@hotmail.com, kenish@dishmail.net, catwallace04@yahoo.com, song111@verizon.net, godsgrl6508@yahoo.com, ltbarrett@joimail.com, sbanta1159@verizon.net, kysteven@verizon.net, hogrider001@netzero.net, mary.j.davis@l-3com.com, fdavis@oceanspray.com
Sent: Sat, Nov 26, 2011 04:07:10 GMT+00:00
Subject: Prayer Request
Hello All you Circuit Riders & Friends, I hope this finds you all doing great. I wanted to pass along a prayer request, but first I wanted to let you know that God is still in the Prayer answering business. He is a Faithful God & so we need to be just as faithful in our Praying for those in need. We have seen lots of healings here lately & what a testimony to His greatness that is..
Be sure & add Tuffy to your prayer list tonight.. He is Bro & Sis Ishmael's nephew who lives up in Tulsa, Okla. Most of you might remember him. He has been at several of our meetings in the past 6 yrs.. & has been on some rides with us too. Anyway he is scheduled for open heart surgery tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 26th.... Let pray for the Doctors doing the surgery, & for Tuffy's speedy recovery. Also pray traveling mercies for JD & Jayme as they travel up there to be with him.
Thank you all for being a willing vessel that the Lord can use when ever needed....
Love you all, God Bless
Slick & his Chick Vick
Vicki Harris ~ Secretary
Freedom Riders NETx
Motorcycle Ministry
"""Ridin for JESUS"""
From: Jarmon and Vicki Harris <freedomridersnetx@hotmail.com>
To: Doc Louviere <edwardlouvieredoc@sprintpcs.com>, Bill Hamilton <billhamilton@circuitriderscfm.org>, Robert & Linda McCurdy <lmccurdy@embarqmail.com>, madavis@verizon.net, jeanettastephens@yahoo.com, shodyg@toast.net, bstep60@verizon.net, marialester96@gmail.com, jcgallagher47@yahoo.com, matt_miller@scufcw.org, ladysdreamdragon@hotmail.com, diveholley@yahoo.com, sbanta@ehhi.com, redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org, mnsmiller@hotmail.com, darrellwthom@aim.com, carleemcb79@yahoo.com, tmtfugate@yahoo.com, wright1967@msn.com, mbailey@geusnet.com, wallacek@rains.k12.tx.us, lohmann@peoplescom.net, motorcyclemamapp@hotmail.com, stilljamminforthelamb@yahoo.com, jonescnd@wildblue.net, randymcknight@ymail.com, janish@dishmail.net, flyingnun001@msn.com, mljdfw@yahoo.com, harleyriders1996@yahoo.com, reddingrhonda@yahoo.com, vzs426@aol.com, chicosmamma75@hotmail.com, sgharford@gmail.com, bikerpastorpop@yahoo.com, mapaself@hotmail.com, pam_parmer@yahoo.com, ronnydavis1@gmail.com, cddwilson@aol.com, motorcyclemanjp@hotmail.com, kenish@dishmail.net, catwallace04@yahoo.com, song111@verizon.net, godsgrl6508@yahoo.com, ltbarrett@joimail.com, sbanta1159@verizon.net, kysteven@verizon.net, hogrider001@netzero.net, mary.j.davis@l-3com.com, fdavis@oceanspray.com
Sent: Wed, Nov 23, 2011 02:36:46 GMT+00:00
Subject: Attention: Circuit RidersATTENTION :::: To All Circuit Riders, Do you not know that you are all front line soldiers in the Army of the Lord. I believe we are in the last days of the war. We have come out of the sanctuary and we are in the streets, and the highways, and the alleys, in the mitts of the Battle. Many soldiers are being wounded & killed. I know that the uniform (Colors) we wear is nothing more than a Bulls-Eye for the enemy. But in a world where God is being taken out of everything, I am proud to wear the uniform ~ "Riding For Jesus."
All of this came to me when I was laying up in the hospital recovering from my wounds, I was thinking & praying for all the others we hear about each day like Doc & Pat, Jimmy & Geniecey, Pops & Lucy, Tony & Glenda, Matt & Sandra, Bro & Sis. Ishmael, Bro. & Sis. Hamilton, Robert & Linda McCurdy, just to name a few, there are to many to mention. But as they recover, it is back to the front lines to fight on. I thank God that I am apart of this Army, I give praise to God for each and every warrior that's been wounded, I pray for all Circuit Riders in battle or those on R & R.
God Bless You all,
Jarmon 'Slick' Harris,
Slick's Chick Vick
& Lil Moma Lollipop
P.S. ~ I want to Thank each & everyone of You who prayed, called or came by, I was overwhelmed by such thoughtfulness
Again God Bless All of You
Vicki Harris ~ Secretary
Freedom Riders NETx
Motorcycle Ministry
"""Ridin for JESUS"""
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sign ups between 12 & 1pm on the
$20 per bike or unwrapped toy of equal value.
Hot Dogs & Drink for all those that register
The ride is approximately 92 miles
it will be led by our own
Steve 'Rooster' Banta
From: Jarmon and Vicki Harris <freedomridersnetx@hotmail.com>
To: AMANDA BAILEY <aambailey@gmail.com>, Bertram Cooper <bertram_c@hotmail.com>, Bill Hamilton <billhamilton@circuitriderscfm.org>, Bob Stephens <bstep60@verizon.net>, Calvin Morris <cemorris1013@msn.com>, Candi & Lance Crump <candi_crump@yahoo.com>, Carolyn Jackson <carolynjackson45@hotmail.com>, Danny & Dee Dee Norman <chicosmamma75@hotmail.com>, Gene Carista <gene.carista@l-3com.com>, Geniece Piercy <gpiercy@wildblue.net>, Jimmie Piercy <pastorjim@wildblue.net>, Kimberly & Steve Hardy <sandhpaint@verizon.net>, Lisa Rabe <lisa_rabe@tamu-commerce.edu>, Lynda Vinson <lvinson@cumbytel.com>, PAM & TBONE ELLIS <pam_d_ellis@yahoo.com>, Papa Joe Tucker <papajoetucker@gmail.com>, Pastor Pauleee Curan <fstrpstr7c@aol.com>, Randy Rabe <randy.rabe@covidien.com>, "Rev. Red Beard" <redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org>, Robert & Linda McCurdy <lmccurdy@embarqmail.com>, ROSE THORNHILL <thornhillrm@hotmail.com>, Sharon Crump <sharon_crump@tamu-commerce.edu>, Shirley Hall <shirleyhall40@msn.com>, Shirley Smith <ssmith@navarropecan.com>, Wendel Griffin <circuitrider633@att.net>, madavis@verizon.net, jeanettastephens@yahoo.com, shodyg@toast.net, marialester96@gmail.com, jcgallagher47@yahoo.com, matt_miller@scufcw.org, ladysdreamdragon@hotmail.com, diveholley@yahoo.com, sbanta@ehhi.com, mnsmiller@hotmail.com, darrellwthom@aim.com, carleemcb79@yahoo.com, tmtfugate@yahoo.com, wright1967@msn.com, mbailey@geusnet.com, wallacek@rains.k12.tx.us, lohmann@peoplescom.net, motorcyclemamapp@hotmail.com, stilljamminforthelamb@yahoo.com, jonescnd@wildblue.net, randymcknight@ymail.com, janish@dishmail.net, flyingnun001@msn.com, mljdfw@yahoo.com, harleyriders1996@yahoo.com, reddingrhonda@yahoo.com, vzs426@aol.com, sgharford@gmail.com, bikerpastorpop@yahoo.com, mapaself@hotmail.com, pam_parmer@yahoo.com, ronnydavis1@gmail.com, cddwilson@aol.com, motorcyclemanjp@hotmail.com, kenish@dishmail.net, catwallace04@yahoo.com, song111@verizon.net, godsgrl6508@yahoo.com, ltbarrett@joimail.com, sbanta1159@verizon.net, kysteven@verizon.net, hogrider001@netzero.net, mary.j.davis@l-3com.com, fdavis@oceanspray.com
Sent: Wed, Nov 2, 2011 02:03:38 GMT+00:00
Subject: URGENT PRAYER REQUEST:::::::::Debbie Jones (Circuit Rider DOD)'s brother was involved in a motorcycle/car accident early this evening. He was on the bike, the car pulled out in front of him. He is on life support with blood on the brain, broke wrist & his face is all broken up. Please stand in agreement with us for a Miraculous Healing in Jesus Name......
Vicki Harris ~ Secretary
Freedom Riders NETx
Motorcycle Ministry
"""Ridin for JESUS"""
From: "Bredahl, Wayne A" <wayne.bredahl@delta.com>Red Beard,
To: "redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org" <redbeard@circuitriderscfm.org>
Sent: Fri, Jun 10, 2011 15:03:13 GMT+00:00
Subject: PRAYER
I received a call from Brother Boone this morning, Boone and Sally were at Boones daughters on there way up to Wisconsin to ride on our run. He called this morning and said he went to wake Sally this morning and she did not wake up, I talked to his daughter affter he called and she said Sally had passed away. She is now walking streets of gold, she went home to be with the Lord. Please keep Brother Boone in your prayers and of course Sally's family. We love you Sally and we love our Brother Boone. Please send the word out on CRMM Webs sight. Thank you.
In His Service,
Brother Wayne
Wingate by Wyndham 228 Blanchard St, West Monroe (318) 387-7395
Red Roof Inn West Monroe
102 Constitution Drive, West Monroe (318) 388-2420
Super 8 Monroe
1101 Glenwood Drive, West Monroe (318) 325-6361
...Best Western West Monroe Inn
405 Thomas Road, West Monroe (318) 322-9922
Jameson Inn-West Monroe 213 Constitution Dr, West Monroe, Louisiana (318) 361-0750
Shoney's Inn 310 Thomas Rd, West Monroe (318) 322-1887
The face book page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=209275929103059
Thank you! I pray all of you that can make it have a blessed weekend and help to make the first C2TS in LA a big success. The flier is attached.
It is time for all Meeting Reports and 1st quarter Financial Reports be sent to Shirley Smith either ssmith@navarropecan.com or 11106 NE CR 2210 Kerens, Texas.
Thanks to all of you
and God Bless you and your chapters
Serving you is my pleasure
Shirley Smith