Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stroker's Easter Service

Riding For Jesus
Ray Rev RedBeard Moore
VP Circuit Riders MM
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mission Field

When you think of a missionary, you often think of some one in a foreign land far away. You think of people living in primitive conditions and sacrificing a lot of what we take for granted everyday to reach people for Christ.
I would like for you to consider though, that it isn't as much about the distance from home as it is the difference in culture. Now, I would like for you to consider that you can experience as much of a culture change without ever getting on an airplane. When you put on a set of three piece colors, that is exactly what you do and if you are not aware of that it can be just as dangerous. If you are wearing a set of colors now or you are considering it I urge you to get familiar with the idea first. You can find out a lot of information on the following web site This isn't one of my sites, but it has a lot of information on it that should be helpful to you in understanding the three piece patch and the respect that must go with it.
Motorcycle Ministries are identified with a MM on their patch or M/M instead of the MC that the clubs use. If you are wearing an MM patch, respect it and treat it as the club brothers do theirs, but remember we wear these patches to bring Christ into a world where he mostly isn't. If you disrespect a club or carry yourself in a way that would lead them to believe your intentions are more than that (such as claiming territory) you have damaged your witness and that of everybody else in your ministry, some of whom have worked very hard to get into those circles. When a club member asks you to remove your patch, do as he asks. Do not argue with him over your right to wear it, simply take it off fold it up and put it away. You can later notify your chapter President, who can deal with the situation or ask for help from those above him. Do not mention the size of your group or how many states it is recognized in. This can be perceived as a show of force and will not be tolerated by the club or upper leadership of the ministry. Be very polite, remove your vest and continue to show the love of Jesus to them, by being there for them. That is what we are here for, in the first place. We do not care anything about being the biggest MM or the best MM, we are hear to bring those who don't know the Lord into a relationship with Him. We are not in competition with other MM's, but are teammates with them and should assist them anytime we have an opportunity. Remember the best thing we have to show these lost brothers and sisters is the love of Jesus through us and they will not see that if we can't even get along with our Christian brothers and sisters. I am thankful for all of you that wear the patch, please wear it with pride as it clearly shows are mission statement on our back "Riding For Jesus", this is the reason we do not allow any other patches to be worn to the rear of the side seams of your vest. Nothing should take away from the mission statement. We are out there riding for Jesus asking everyone, will you ride with me?
I see great things for all of the MM's in 2012 and look forward to riding with all of you. God Bless!
Riding For Jesus,
Rev. Red Beard
National VP
Circuit Riders MM

Lake Of Fire Rescue Team

When I was praying to God the other day about what condition the ministry was in and what we needed to do, He gave me a vision that I would like to share with you.
He showed me a beach covered in lifeguards, but the waters were full of people that were drowning. Most of the lifeguards were standing on the beach discussing with each other how someone should do something to help those people. Others were to busy fighting and bickering with each other to be concerned with anything else. There were a few that were going into the water to pull people out, but each time they came back to the beach the fighters would pull them away from their rescue mission to try and have them side with them in the fight. Others entered the water and lost their way as they struggled to make it back to the beach, those on the beach would push them back out and keep them from regaining the safety of land.
I was very distraught over this and pleaded with God on how we could fix this and He gave me another vision. He showed me the same beach with the same lifeguards but they were more organized. Many more were going into the waters and pulling people from the waters and as they came onto the land, others were helping pull them to land and performing first aid and providing them with food and water to regain their strength.
As the rescued gained their strength, some would return to the water to help in the rescue efforts while others were to traumatized by the water stayed onshore and joined the forces offering first aid and food. Eventually they worked so well together that they were able to provide times of rest between rescue missions, because there were always someone available to do the next mission. I was overjoyed with how this team of lifeguards worked together in their rescue efforts and prayed God would make our ministry work like this.
I pray you'll keep this Lake of Fire Rescue effort in mind as we go forward in this ministry. Lets bring as many of the lost as we can to Jesus. Lets disciple them and bring them up to find their place in the mission field and most importantly, let us not give up on the backslidden but to continue praying for them and offering that hand to pull them back up.
I love all of you and it is an honor to be part of such an amazing group of missionaries. I pray we all meet the appointments God has for us this year and we grow God's army!
Riding For Jesus,
Raymond "Rev Red Beard" Moore
CRMM National Vice President
CRMM Texas President

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Found my devotional very interesting this morning.

-----Original message-----
From: Circuit Riders <>
Ray Moore <>, Doug Girouard <>, Calvin Tucker <>
Terry Bunch <>
Tue, Feb 7, 2012 14:27:48 GMT+00:00
Found my devotional very interesting this morning.

What Lack I Yet?

What lack I yet?
Matthew 19:20.

The rich young ruler had morals, manners and money. He would be welcomed readily into many churches today, with no questions asked. He would make a good "joiner," but he would be a poor disciple.

Salvation is free but discipleship costs everything. Somehow, we have utterly lost sight of our Saviour's drastic and often severe challenges to prospective disciples. Letting the dead bury the dead, denying self, hating loved ones, putting the hand to the plow—He used terms that demanded absolute obedience and unquestionable loyalty. Today we have tempered all this down and removed its sharp edge and have gathered a host of indifferent "joiners" who have not the faintest idea of what it means to "sell out" for Christ.

Jesus lost this prospect. The young man went away. Why didn't our Lord take him on milder terms and later lead him into complete surrender? That is our techniques today, but Jesus was out for disciples, not "joiners."

"What lack I yet?" Here is the painful lack in our churches, because it is the lack of so many of their members.
"Baytown" Wayne Anderson
SE TX Regional Rep
Circuit Riders M/M
New Beginnings Chapter
Mont Belvieu, TX
mobile: 713.402.8982