Friday, June 7, 2013


Riding For Jesus
Rev RedBeard Ray Moore
National VP
TX President
Circuit Riders MM
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

-----Original message-----
From: Ray Moore <>
Mon, Jun 3, 2013 22:35:45 GMT+00:00


Riding For Jesus,

Rev. Red Beard (Ray Moore)

National Vice President

Circuit Riders MM


Monday, May 27, 2013

Family Reunion

Last week Circuit Riders descended on the Texas/Mexico border from all directions. It was the first time I've made it to the mission house during a Circuit Rider event in a few years. We saw members that we are accustomed to seeing at the border, but this time we saw lots of new faces there as well. I enjoyed spending time there with all of you. I know it was a long ride and cost some of you for having to take time off of work, but I hope you all found it worth it. I love the mission house, that property truely is "Holy Ground", I hope while there you had the opportunity to get alone in the quiet there and listen for God to speak to you. We've had our camp outs in many locations throughout Texas and Louisianna, but it was special to have it at the heart of our ministry. Please pray for our mission team and that the Lord continues to provide for them and the property. I took in indirect route to the camp out, so I could visit mom and Pa and hook up with Robert and Linda McCurdy for the ride down. It took 2 days and almost 1200 miles to get there going down. I really wanted to ride home in 1 day though in an all out "Stampede" style run. The Stampede is an annual race from southern California to North Carolina. It's not so much about your speed as it is your determination. No bike can run wide open or at triple digit speeds for that long of an endurance race. You must stay in the saddle and make quick fuel stops, grabbing a bite to eat when you can. I shared my desire to do this with Mississippi Prez Quincy "Flyboy" Dalton and he wanted in. We agreed to ride together to Shreveport and then split off for our homes. We had pouring down rain the first half of the trip, slowing our time some what but we stayed in the saddle and pressed on. We hit more rain as we neared our split off point. After making it through Shreveport we both had dry road for the remainder of our rides. We both made it home in about 17 hours and both rode about 900 miles. I had a blast! Thank you Quincy for joining with me on this personal challenge. Everyone get ready for next year!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Circuit Riders Hearrt

As I work on the CRMM website, I go through a lot of old pictures, videos, blogs etc.and they just bring back so many good times with so many of my CRMM family. Some aren't here anymore because they've finished the race, others have left the ministry for one reason or another, but so many of you just keep on keeping on. I love all of you for what you do for the Kingdom of God and for bikers and motorcycle enthusiast everywhere. Keep up the good work and God bless you all. Rev RedBeard

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rev Red Beard 5/15/2011

CRMM Louisiana Camp-Out 2012

We had a great time last year and this year promises to be even better. We have the whole week to fellowship together May 20-27 at OUR Mission Headquarters in Rio Grande City. Remember this is only a short trip to South Padre Island if you want to spend some beach time. It's also on the border and I'm sure Brother Doc will be taking some that want to go on day trips into Mexico to minister as well as to shop at the street markets, so bring your passport if you're interested in crossing the border. It's going to be the greatest campout YET! make your reservations now for dorm space, rv spot or tent spots by contacting Sister Pat.

River Run 2012


I have fallen short on my commitment to make post here to keep you informed on what's going on in CRMM and to make you aware of the activities of the leadership. For that I'm sorry and I'll do my best to be better at it in the future. I've enlisted the help of BaytownWayne to also keep a blog to help get information from the leadership out to the membership. Be sure to follow him. Riding For Jesus, Rev RedBeard.