Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Protocol Reminder 07/09/2014

This weeks protocol reminder is borrowed from the website I have deleted some things and changed a coupl to better fit our MM
These are some things for you, as a Motorcycle Ministry member, to consider when dealing with motorcycle clubs. They are also things to consider if and when you are going to be around motorcycle clubs.
1. Patchholders are people too. They have good and bad days, they have jobs, families, and normal everyday problems and concerns just like anyone else. There are those who no matter what you say or do, it will not be right with them. Just like with any group, you will find both good and bad.
2. Protocol and Respect are primary rules when dealing with a motorcycle club patchholder.
If you are FORMALLY introduced to a patchholder, make sure either the person doing the introduction (or you) make sure they know what ministry you belong to & if you are an officer, what position you hold. Under no circumstances do you interrupt to correct a mistake while that person is introducing you or while they are talking. Wait till the introduction is done & politely introduce yourself correctly. i.e.….
Joe Rider, xxxxxxxxxxxx Riding Club, 1st Officer, Anytown Chapter.
Fred Spokes, Anystate Officer, xxxxxxxxxxxxx Riding Club
(Use your name - not your nickname. Nicknames may come later.)
3. Greet them as you would meet anyone else & wait until the offer is made to shake hands.(If they shake hands with you it is a sign of respect to unglove before shaking hands.) DO NOT interrupt, wait for them to recognize you. DO NOT be offended or make a big deal if they do not offer to shake your hand. Many times they want to get to know about you and your ministry a little better before they will offer to shake your hand.
4. Never, Ever, Lie. You can refuse to answer a question in a polite manner by saying something like, "That seems like ministry business, and I would like to refer that to one of our officers in order to get better information for you." Be prepared to answer questions about what your ministry is about. Such as....
A.) "We are a ministry & not a motorcycle club and have no intention of ever trying to become a motorcycle club".
B.) The Patch is earned.
C.) No dues or Dues - as applicable.
D.) All makes and models of motorcycle are welcomed. Or it's a brand specific or special requirements club.
E.) We are a non-territorial ministry.
F.) We are a neutral MM and do not wear any MC support patches.
G.) Women riders are welcomed
K.) Do NOT brag about how large the local or national membership is.
L.) Do not volunteer ministry info. If they ask a question about the local chapter answer it if you can. If they start asking questions about the number of members, or the National chain of organization refer them to one of the ministry Officers.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Reminder of the week:

 I know wearing your patch in the cage is ok in different states and clubs, but in CRMM no Circuit Rider may wear his cut in a cage. You must remove it before entering the vehicle and you may put it on after exiting the vehicle. 
Since that one is short and simple, I'll do another. The Road Captain. The chapter Prez should really consider and pray about who he makes as the chapter Road Captain, When on a ride the Road Captain is in charge. Do as he says. If you do not agree with him, do it anyway or leave the ride. You may question him later after the ride, if your not satisfied after talking to him, then go with him to your Prez or if you are the chapter Prez to the next in your Chain of command. The Road Captain is responsible for the safety of everyone on the ride. He hopefully knows everyone on the ride and the ability of the weakest rider and has planned the ride accordingly. He has picked the safest route, the safest fuel stops and he knows his peoples allergies or other possible problems such as Diabetes or low blood sugar. If the ride is long enough for meal or overnight stops, he hopefully has worked with the chapter coordinator to make these plans. He has provided the chapter with training on the use of hand signals and riding in groups. He is within his rights to do a walk around inspection of the bikes and notify you of any potential problems on your ride. If he feels your bike is a safety concern, such as slick tires, he can ask you to ride at the very back or not to go on the ride at all. Please be respectful of the RC and his job as it is to protect you and all who ride in your group.

CRMM Group Ride Protocol

If you show up for a CRMM ride without your cut, you are to ride to the rear of any patch wearing members present regardless of your position.

Order of ride should be:
 CRMM patch wearing officers (The ranking patch wearing officer present may honor officers of another patch by asking them to ride in front with our officers.)
CRMM  patch wearing members
 patch wearing seekers 
wearers of a different patch
those not wearing their patch and independents.