Thursday, March 15, 2012

Joiners/ Patience

I received this email yesterday from Wayne the Southeast TX State Rep. It was rather timely as I planned to blog on the same subject. It says it clearly our Lord was not in a hurry. That is the way our chapter Presidents should be in filling the chapter offices. I urge you to take as much time as possible to really get to know your people and learn what gifts the Lord is giving them and what direction He is leading them in.
In my opinion leadership in this ministry is a whole lot more about heart and action than about the title on your vest. If the title is important to you, I urge you to do some soul searching to find out why. The quickest way to not get an officers position in this ministry is to let me hear you ask for it. I never asked to be an officer in this ministry, not for any of the positions I served in. I love this ministry and supported my leadership reguardless of title or position. One of my mentors asked me recently how it felt to be prayed in as the National VP, the only than I could tell him was I would be there for Pops rather he honored me with that title or not.
We have other men in this ministry, some have been here for years diligently working to save souls and build this ministry. These men don't ask for titles or places of honor, they ask what can I do to help or where can I be used. These men or deserving of rewards and honor, but the reward they seek comes from the Lord.
I pray we all come together as this ministry has the potential to do and become a force for God to use as He sees fit. I know we have that potential, because I've seen the way we come together at our events all of different background, and denominations but we come together as one. That is one of the things I first loved about Circuit Riders, and is also the thing I most often hear men of other ministries compliment us on.
Now get out there Circuit Riders and ride hard, ride hard to that next divine appointment He has in store for You.
Riding For Jesus
Rev Red Beard Ray Moore
National Vice President
TX  President
Circuit Riders MM
Isaiah 40:31

 Daily I use a devotional by Vance Havner. He was an old sage, dead now for many years but I find his insight of his day so very true for us in our time.  You will often hear me say, "It is the pastor's job to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable".  He is the one I received it from.  I found today's quote very insightful pertaining to us and where I believe we want to see Circuit Riders going.
"If the rich young ruler were to apply for membership in the average church today, he would be received instantly and perhaps made treasurer, with no questions asked. But our Lord was not in a hurry; He was after disciples, not mere joiners. Joiners are a dime a dozen today. Americans would die if they couldn't join something. Give them a button and a certificate and they'll join anything."
"Baytown" Wayne Anderson
SE TX Regional Rep
Circuit Riders M/M
New Beginnings Chapter
Mont Belvieu, TX
mobile: 713.402.8982

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